Saturday, March 22, 2008

Gardening 101

Are you frustrated when you see pictures of beautiful gardens? Do you think you have a brown thumb and there's no hope for you? The situation may not be as bleak as you think. There's a nurseryman out there who really wants to help; it's White Flower Farm. The catalog and website is filled with not only fabulous photos, but detailed plans for designing a garden, planting containers, and caring for your plants.

The sweet mail lady brings me lots of gardening catalogs all year long, but my favorite by far is White Flower Farm's. The letter at the front has been signed by Amos Pettingill for 57 years and is a must read for gardeners. It's filled with personal anecdotes, news of the farm, and stern warnings against planting out of your zone. Turn the page to find garden bulb collections and garden designs for shade and sun. It's the container plants that really catch my eye. The combinations are breathtaking and will make you start a list of must-have plants. I'm definitely buying Coleus "Strawberry Drop" and Begonia Dragon Wing Pink for starters. It will go with my chartreuse sweet potato that wintered over. The other Coleus I love is called Inky Fingers and they have it paired with a white Fuchsia, Begonia, and Caladium White Christmas. Stunning look for brightening up a dark corner.
For all of you who think your garden is doomed, there's hope. White Flower Farm can guide you to the world of beautiful gardens.


Tonja said...

Oh, I love that pot of coleus and caladiums! My favorite pots are filled with the lovely shades of green. I, too, love the sweet potate vine. Amazing color!

Have a blessed Easter amd Happy gardening!


Lori said...

the picture of the hollyhocks makes my heart sing...sadly they have never done very well in my yard...ah well...i hope you are having a blessed Easter!!!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Happy Easter Holley!
The pictures in those catalogs always get me in the mood.