In some parts of the country that's what people are saying, but not where I live. The heat has been so brutal, although no more than any other year, that we appreciate all the rain we can get. It's about now that it starts wearing on you. But it's going to be around for at least a couple more months. The first year we moved here I made my kids Halloween costumes the same way I would have in Georgia-out of sweat suits. The first frost usually coincides with Halloween so it's a good way to keep little trick or treaters warm. In Florida it just makes for a very uncomfortable night walking around the neighborhood. So now I've lived here long enough to know it will be hot until November.

Today we had one of those frog-strangler thunderstorms that drop three or four inches of rain in a couple of hours. It started out with lots of noise but no rain so I thought it was going around us. But after about thirty minutes of rumbling, the rain finally started pouring down. I ran outside to get all my containers and some indoor orchids out for a drink just as a crash of lightning struck close by. Deciding that death was not an option today, I retreated back inside. Everything got a shower except one watermelon colored angel wing begonia. It will just have to wait until tomorrow.
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