A good strategy is essential. The timing is critical. The territory is a mail order catalog warehouse that's open this week to clean out for next season. Discounts began at 30% on Monday with 10% more off each day. Tomorrow the discount will be 70% but it will also be too crowded in there to shop. So we're going in today to get unbelievable bargains at 60% off. We drive up in a pickup truck just in case. Don't want to have to leave something behind just because there's not enough room to haul it. Linens, lighting, and party decorations are on the shopping list, but we're keeping an open mind.
Up and down the aisles we creep, looking behind crates and boxes. The first quarry is two striped shower curtains for $6.00 each. We move on. Around the next corner there's a chenille throw for $2.00-we'll take two of those. Fifty cents each buys an arm load of hot pink linen napkins and a buck for the matching table runner. Some party table decorations in pink and green and game prizes for a kitchen shower go in the buggy. Suddenly three hanging lamps covered with pink silk roses are spotted across the warehouse. Carefully picking our way through the other shoppers we move toward the coveted lamps. They are snapped up and we cruise down the aisle to the register to see what the damage is . All in all, it's been a very successful hunt.
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